Take the Journey of a Single Thought to…
Empowerment - Enlightenment - Excellence
A Time to Quiet your Mind
A Place to Heal your Body
A Pathway to Renew your Spirit
A Mentor to Guide your Soul
A Philosophy to Transform your Life
Our Services are in Baltimore, Maryland and Surrounding Areas in Maryland
Mentor Coaching • Hypnosis • Mindfulness • Meditation • Training
10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
Patricia M. Armour: 410 - 356 - 3377
Mind Spa Mentor System is designed to guide you on your personal journey of a single thought to empowerment within the spa of your infinite mind.
This system guides you through a framework of thought into progressive
stages of self-management, motivation, illumination, self-empowerment,
and fulfillment.
This is done within a safe and supportive mentor-coaching environment through one-on-one conversations that engage the spa of your infinite mind,
which includes a variety of holistic and cognitive action exercises in…
mind focusing – opening – expanding – fitness,
as well as hypnosis, mindfulness, and access meta-consciousness (higher awareness) techniques, for greater and quicker success, and peace of mind.
“I believe my highly-developed system is truly pioneering, inspirational and beneficial in improving the quality, the relationships, the health, and the meaning and direction
of your life that...
I will give you a SELF-EMPOWERMENT CD,
absolutely FREE by just saying ‘YES’ to Happiness, and complete any of my 30-day programs.”
How you would feel if you knew you could
create your life, however you want it.
• Vibrant Well-Being
• The Best Choices
• The Right Timing
• Self-Satisfaction
• Your Highest Potential
• Greater Enjoyment and Fulfillment
The FIVE “LIVING” EMPOWERMENTS that are the essential elements in the dynamic process of empowerment to instill inspiration and momentum are utilized here.
Together, we fill focus on the Five Liberating Qualities of Human Development
as these layers of knowledge and first-hand experience allow your life to unfold in many profound ways.
These are the all-encompassing levels of mind fitness, mind expansion, and peace of mind for greater fulfillment.
Awareness • Potential • Balance • Synchronicity • Evolution
Like the leaves on the tree of knowledge – the seeds in the fruit of experience – the petals of the flower of life... You can create a new reality of your best self and your ideal life.
Cognitive • Behavioral • Motivational • Spiritual • Mindful
TRANSFORMATION is conscious creation.
It is the natural outcome as you become fully aware in a mindful way, like a flower blossoming in the present moment.
Your focus needs to be receptive, non-judgmental, and on-purpose, allowing greater personal realization, integrity, and authenticity.
Three easy self-help steps to self-assured success are Desire, Guidance, and Support. Focus on your highest vision, and you will have a most liberating experience, resulting in positive transformation, with dramatic, genuine, lasting and beneficial change. Goal accomplishment is your reward.
Together, we engage in self-directed learning, and
transformational changes, a self-discovery model which reveals...
Your Real Self: Who and where you are now, and
Your Ideal Self: Who and where you want to be.
Together, we will discover what is most important to you, identify...
Your Core Values: Echo of the unspoken, yet ultimate compelling driving force throughout your life.
You will receive...
Private One-to-One Mentoring
Interactive Self-Help Action Journal
Self-Mastery Audio CD
These three unique, creative, and empowering tools, are customized to your ideal goals, designed to help you begin to realize your greatest dreams coming true.
Management • Motivation • Illumination • Empowerment • Fulfillment
The MIND SPA MENTOR SYSTEM is the foundation
for all ten state-of-the-art coaching models
designed for your success.
The Mind Spa Mentor System
10 Mentor-Coaching Programs
20 Hypnosis Categories
Take a moment to find out what makes the Mind Spa Mentoring System a Real Success for You!
Regardless of your goal, our Powerful Signature System is a Fast-Track, Cutting-Edge Formula that
mentors, encourages, accelerates, improves, and supports you in your quest for self-empowerment, happiness, and success.
Are You Ready...
for a Mentor-Coach?
Take this Quick and Simple Quiz
to find out how the Mind Spa Mentor Coaching Programs Can Help You!
Can You Be…
Take this Quick and Simple Quiz
to find out how you are a natural
or ideal candidate for hypnosis!!
What is Your…
Stress Fitness Level?
Take this Quick and Simple Quiz
to find out how Mind Spa meditations can give your mind - spa relief!!
What is Your Personal… Success Formula?
Find out how our Customized Programs, Personal Benefits, Lifestyle Resources will transform your life!
You will learn how to activate the Universal
Laws of Attraction, Manifestation, and Life...
within the Five Powers of Your Own Mind,
to ultimately change the direction and
destiny of your life.
CURIOUS? – My Greatest Gift to You…
Is waiting in the facets of your own mind!
Mind Spa Wellness © 2015 All rights reserved.
For Local Clients: Our office is located in Baltimore, Maryland and Surrounding Areas in Maryland:
We are in Owings Mills, Baltimore County, and We are near Baltimore City, Mt. Washington, Pikesville, Randallstown, Reisterstown, Westminster, Glen Burnie, Catonsville, Ellicott City, Columbia, Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville, Hunt Valley, Parkville, White Marsh, Jessup, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Rockville, Frederick, Annapolis, and Washington, D.C.,
We are near Howard County, Carroll County, Harford County, Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County
Mind Spa Wellness
10806 Reisterstown Road, Suite 2A
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
Take the First Step Toward Reaching Your Goals Today
410 - 356 - 3377
You Will Start to See
What is Possible for YOU…
on our Very First Phone Call!
Contact Us:
For more information or
to schedule an appointment
Patricia M. Armour at 410-356-3377 Email: patricia@mindspamentor.com
Mind Spa System |
Mind Spa Philosophy |
Your Success Formula |
Five Great Powers |
Your Happiness Profile |
Treasure Chest |
Evolve |
The Lotus Garden |
Affirmations |
Mind Spa Cinema |
Law of Attraction |
Why Use a Coach |
Mindful Choices |
Lifestyle |
Relationships |
Business |
Prosperity |
Success |
Stress Fitness |
Spirituality |
Hypno Coaching |
Why Use Hypnosis |
Hypnosis Quiz |
How the Mind Works |
Types of Hypnosis |
Hypnosis FAQ |
What to Expect |
How Hypnosis Works |
History of Hypnosis |
Stress Quiz |
Meditation Circle |
Meditation CD |
Motivation CD |
Affirmation CD |
Stress Fitness Certification |
Coaching Certification |
Hypnosis Certification |
Training Levels |
Mind Spa Gallery |
Stress Relief |
Self-Confidence |
Career-Prosperity-Success |
Love- Sex-Romance |
Fears-Phobia-Panic Attacks |
Stop Smoking |
Weight Loss Control |
Evolve |
The Lotus Garden |
Affirmations |
Mind Spa Cinema |
Law of Attraction |
Lifestyles |
Supreme Self-talk |
Wisdom Quotes |
Guided Imagery |
Mind Spa System |
Mind Spa Philosophy |
Your Success Formula |
Five Great Powers |
Your Happiness Profile |
Treasure Chest |
Evolve |
The Lotus Garden |
Affirmations |
Mind Spa Cinema |
Law of Attraction |
Why Use a Coach |
Mindful Choices |
Lifestyle |
Relationships |
Business |
Prosperity |
Success |
Stress Fitness |
Spirituality |
Hypno Coaching |
Why Use Hypnosis |
Hypnosis Quiz |
How the Mind Works |
Types of Hypnosis |
Hypnosis FAQ |
What to Expect |
How Hypnosis Works |
History of Hypnosis |
Stress Quiz |
Meditation Circle |
Meditation CD |
Motivation CD |
Affirmation CD |
Stress Fitness Certification |
Coaching Certification |
Hypnosis Certification |
Training Levels |
Mind Spa Gallery |
Stress Relief |
Self-Confidence |
Career-Prosperity-Success |
Love- Sex-Romance |
Fears-Phobia-Panic Attacks |
Stop Smoking |
Weight Loss Control |